Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Welcome to Abuhuraira College.
It is a great pleasure to introduce you to what our school offers. As you explore our website and get to know us. You will find a wealth of information about the staff, academics and the educational opportunities that we provide to our students.
Abuhuraira College is an Islamic oriented private and full-time school with conducive classrooms, environmental and other educational facilities with good security architecture. The college has an outstanding reputation for encouraging our students to strive academically and develop the confidence to chart their own path in life with partnering together with our motivated staff who provides relevant, engaging content while placing a strong emphasis on working with parents and community, enabling all students to maximize their abilities and reaching their full academic potentials alongside with Islamic identity and discipline.
I will like to take this opportunity to thank our stakeholders, parents, community and dedicated staff for their continues support for the betterment of the school. To learn more about us, I invite you to visit the school facility and be part of our school community.
Sincerely yours
Ibrahim Yahaya