Students must always be of good behaviour and conduct themselves with respect, discipline and honesty. They must obey all rules and regulations of the college and have good relationship with staff and fellow students.
. The following rules and regulations concerning behaviour must be observed by all students:-
- Students must always be ready to learn and be punctual to their classes.
- Students must do and submit their assignments and homework as instructed by their teachers.
- Students must obey instructions from teachers and school prefects.
- All safety rules and regulations in the laboratories, workshops and other school buildings should be obeyed.
- Bullying, fighting and other unruly behaviours are punishable offences and will not be tolerated. (Dismissal).
- English and Arabic are the official languages to be spoken in the college. Speaking vernacular is not allowed in the school.
- Cheating, stealing or vandalising properties belonging to either students or the school will not be tolerated. (Dismissal).
- Students should talk to the teachers, other staff of the college, visitors and fellow colleagues, politely and with respect.
- Students should always give the right of way to teachers and other adults.
- Students are required to greet all visitors and offer them assistance if needed.
- Eating and drinking during class time is not allowed.
- Chewing gum is not allowed in the school.
- Use of foul and abusive language is not allowed in the school.
- Report any suspicious objects and persons loitering around the school compound.
- Use only provided walkways while walking around the school premises.
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the school.
- No food or liquid substances are allowed into the library and laboratory.
- All students must attend school assembly.
- Students must be quit before and during assemblies.
- Students must submit their assignments/homework in time. Failure to submit assignments will attract punishment.
- Lying, slandering and verbal abuses are punishable offences.
- Excessive noise and running on the corridors or within the school building is not allowed.
- Littering of the school environment and defacing of walls is a punishable offence.
- Cheating and other forms of malpractice during test and examinations will be treated with severity.
- Students who disobey direct instructions or display unruly behaviour may be asked to kneel down for a period of time.
- Students are to behave with the same decorum when outside the school as they will do within the school.