Students' Code of Conduct:

School is a place where teaching and learning takes place. Students from different back ground are brought together to learn in the same environment. It is therefore imperative to ensure that the teaching and learning environment is conducive to all students irrespective of gender, parental background or physical challenges.

In order to ensure that the desired teaching and learning environment where every child is free to learn and develop his potentials is provided, a set of rules, regulations and guidelines on the conduct and behaviours of students must be put in place.

The handbook contains the rules and regulations governing the conduct of students in this college and the punishments for offenders who disobeyed or breaks the rules.

School Hours:

Abuhuraira College Bauchi operates five days a week from Monday to Friday. Classes begins from 07:30am to 01:40 pm from Monday to Thursday, while on Friday lessons end by 12.30 pm.


It is only when students/pupils attend school that teaching and learning can take place. It is therefore important to ensure that all students attend school regularly and on time as scheduled on the timetable

. The following rules and regulations concerning school attendance must be observed by all students:-

  • Lessons begin by 8:.00am daily, students must be seated in their classes by then.
  • Students must be punctual and attend their classes regularly.
  • Late coming to school will not be tolerated.
  • Parents/guardians should report absences of their wards on time by physically reporting to the school or through phone call in case of emergency.
  • No student is allowed to leave the school without permission before closing hours.
  • Unexcused absence of more than three days must be accompanied with absence note or a medical report from a recognised health facility in case of sickness.
  • Any student who did not have 70% attendance will repeat the class.